Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

If you plan on helping out at our Easter Egg Hunt please come around 12:40. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Deep thinking and a baby Sea Lion...

We used this video to practice making predictions and inferences today. These skills really help with comprehension. You can do activities like this at home.

I asked questions such as...
What do you think made that splash?
Why do you think the sea lion jumped onto the boat?Is there a way we can find out? 
Why do you think the sea lion barked?
How do you think the man felt when he discovered the sea lion?
What would  you do if you found a baby sea lion on your boat? Could  you keep it? Why or why not?

We then wrote about what we would do if we found a baby sea lion on our boat! The kids have become such wonderful thinkers and writers!

March Reminders

25th- Report Cards
27th- Easter Egg Hunt and Mini Society
28th- Pizza Party
29th- NO SCHOOL. Spring Break Begins

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fun with technology

This is how I started our Literacy block today... Click the link to see! 


If the link does not work: copy and paste the link in the search bar.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Adorable video

I came arcoss this vieo tonight from earlier in the year and decided to share it with you. This is a video of two of  my students playing "school" during play time. One is singing our Dr. Jean Vowel song.  You will hear her singing, " I makes two sounds...." The other is singing our Color Farm song. Enjoy and have a great evening! 

A few pictures from Dr. Seuss Day

Thing 2..is that you?

Using the Interactive Whiteboard at centers..the kids are SO good with technology!

Do you like GREEN eggs and ham? We made a graph and wrote about our experience.

My parents came in to assist with the cooking:)
Making green eggs for the class.
We read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The Cat in the Hat, Horton hears a Who and many others that week! We love Dr. Seuss!

March Fun and Learning

Hello! I hope everyone is well!  The kids have really enjoyed learning about habitats. The students constructed an informational writing piece last week. They also created their own paper alligators to go along with their writing. They have been focusing very hard on their specific writing goals and have shown great improvement. When you write at home don’t forget to let your child write the sounds they hear (yes, even if it’s not spelled correctly)! Stretching out words is a VERY important Kindergarten skill. We are also working on writing more than one sentence, being descriptive, using a capitol at the beginning of a sentence, using end marks in the correct spot, neatness and making sure our writing makes sense. WOW! That is a lot for our little ones but they are doing great! I was also impressed with the quality of information that they were writing. Instead of reading sentences that say, “I like alligators.” I was reading sentences like, “Alligators are predators!” Impressive! 
Informational Writing

Our Alligators

Please continue to review letters, sounds, rhyming, numbers and counting whenever you can! Read as much as you can! 

Spring break will be here very soon. The kids will be bringing home their Mini-Bags full of their sight word books over break. Please have your child read at least one of these books to you every day. Please return the bag and the books inside on our first day back to school.

I’ll have information about an Easter egg hunt and Mini-Society going home soon.  Have a wonderful week!
Our Writing Goals

His first book that he ever read by himself! Way to go!

 Don't forget to check out our Twitter Feed!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Our first tweet!

Our first tweet... The kids told me what the most important part of our day was. We wrote out the sentence they made on the board. The kids practiced early typing skills by using paper keyboards to type along with me. After we were satisfied with our tweet we all said" tweet tweet" and I submitted our tweet. They were so excited that you would know what they did in school today before they even got home! Remember you don't need an account to follow our tweets. You can use our Twitter widget right here on our class blog!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Greens eggs and Ham

I sent home a letter today about our special snack tomorrow. We will be trying GREEN eggs and ham, just like in the Dr. Seuss book. If you do not allow your child to eat ham on Fridays or if they can not have it for any other reason , please send in a note. Thank you!

Tweet Tweet!

Our class will begin Tweeting on Monday! 

Everyone should have gotten a note home explaining how Twitter will be used in our classroom. You can either sign up for a Twitter account OR you can read our Tweets on the Twitter Widget on the right side of our blog! 

Our class hashtag will be #seegertsclass
Thank you!