Monday, August 19, 2013


Dear Families,

Welcome! I hope your little one is excited to be starting school.  I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year and can’t wait to get to know you and your child.
First, let me tell you a bit about myself. I have been married for four years and have an oversized German Shepherd named, Duke! I love to read, go camping and go boating. I am also interested in photography and of course teaching! This is my third year as a Kindergarten teacher. I have also taught Fourth Grade within the district. I find Kindergarten to be a special milestone in a child’s life and I look forward to what this year will bring.
During the year, the curriculum goals and objectives will be met through the use of themes and hands-on activities whenever possible. Theme teaching provides me with an opportunity to integrate topics across the curriculum that directly relate to one another in a structured environment.
Two main focal points this year are to develop self-esteem and self disciple in every child. By creating a warm, loving environment full of positive reinforcements, all children will feel important and be able to shine!
Throughout the year, I will communicate to you through notes, newsletters, our classroom blog, telephone calls, e-mail and conferences. Please check your child’s Communication Folder every Monday and return it the next day. One of the ways that I like to keep parents updated about our classroom is through a classroom blog/website. With your permission, I will post photos of the class working on projects and having fun!  I will update it with valuable classroom information about every other week. There is also a mobile version so that you can check it on your phone! I am currently working on our site and more information will come soon.
Please remember that my job is to work with you and your child to enhance their learning!  I want your child to enjoy school and you to feel welcome in my classroom!  If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me!  I hope to see you at open house on August 26th from 6-7 PM!


Tara Seegert