Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week One!

Week One

      The first week of Kindergarten has been wonderful! I’ve enjoyed getting to know the children. We started off learning the daily routines and expectations. It will take some time but soon the children will know exactly what to do and when to do it. 

     Our first lesson was an “I AM SPECIAL lesson. To introduce this topic, I placed a mirror in a cardboard box with a small flap cut in the lid. I told the children to pass the box around and look inside the box to see THE MOST SPECIAL THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD themselves! We then made a paper craft to go along with the lesson. They are now hanging up in our room.

     In math we have been learning about the calendar, exploring pattern blocks and AB patterns. We even made AB pattern fish for our hallway bulletin board! 

     Any worksheets that have gone home so far, have been morning work. They are just practice sheets. If they didn’t finish it, feel free to have your child finish it at home. 

We have also been learning some great educational songs by Dr. Jean. We start our day off with the Good Morning (rise and shine) song. This is my chance to greet all the children and welcome them to school. In math, we sing the Days of the Week song and the Months of the Year song. As a body break we enjoy the “Lettercise” song. This song works on letter sounds while getting us up and moving! I use many songs in my classroom to help teach and reinforce skills. I may even record them singing some of these songs and post them on the blogonce we know all the lyrics;) 

After a hard day of work, we take some time to work on making friends, social skills, fine motor skills, and problem solving skills by playing in our Developmental Centers! The children have a blast! The rice table and blocks are very popular! 

On another note, my phone has been down all week. It should be up and running by Friday. If you have called me, I have not received the message and I apologize.

If your child’s regular mode of afternoon transportation changes please send in a note. Place it in the front pouch of the D.O.G binder where I can easily see it. Each morning I quickly open each binder to check for any money, notes, returning work, or other important information. 

This will be a great year! Thanks for checking out the blog! Come back soon!

Thank you,
Mrs. Seegert


  1. Glad to hear it is going good! Peyton LOVES the "good morning" song! He has been singing it to us at home too :-)

  2. I'm so glad to hear! That's too cute:)
